Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

I do not celebrate Halloween, it's just another day for me. I don't even hand out candy becuase we have no kids in our neighborhood (although I would if we had trick-or-treaters). But Happy Halloween anyway. Jay and I will go the the in-laws to see Dominic on his first Halloween. I will definetely post pictures of that!

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 things to look forward to!!

I just received some fantastic news! I found out yesterday that my best friend Jenn(a) is coming down from CO in December for a girls weekend!!! Just her and I (and Grams for an afternoon) for 3 whole days of relaxation, shopping and girl talk. What more could I ask for?!?!? I am so stoked!! And then I found out today that Jay was able to get some days off work so we can go to Sanford/Orlando next weekend and spend some time with Matt and Erin, who we don't see as much as we'd like. We are going to go to a theme park on Saturday and then just chill the rest of the weekend! I cannot wait!! What awesome friends I have to come up with such great ideas for Danielle to get away. Thanks guys, I love you!!!

I know I promised pictures of Domininc from last weekend, but I forget to bring my camera. Sorry!

Thats all folks.. till next time,

Friday, October 24, 2008


Nothing to exciting happening in this neck of the woods. We went to Olive Garden for dinner with the Johnson clan. It was so yummy!! Jay and I are house/pet sitting for my boss Greg till Wednesdsay. It's kind of a ni ce change of scenery. And Saturday night Baby Dominic (Jays sisters son, 4 months) is spending the night with us and I get to keep him all day Sunday! I love it!! He is so good and so adorable. I'll take some pictures while I have him!

I guess thats it... have a good weekend!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Homemade Tomato Soup Part 2

The soup cooked all night and smelled wonderful when I woke up this morning (at 5:45am, thanks Jaysen). I blended it, added the (heavy... eek) cream and stood back to admire. It was really light orange!

I think I added to much cream. But oh does it taste yummy!! Like tomato silk. I've got to control myself, or I'll gain 10 pounds from all that cream! I'll let you know what everyone thinks, my biggest critic in particular, Jay.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homemade Tomato Soup

I just got finished setting my Crockpot up to make Homemade Tomato Soup. That thing is my new favorite toy!! I found this AWESOME blog that posts a new Crockpot recipe every day. So, Jay and I will be enjoying Grilled Cheese and Homemade Tomato Soup tomorrow night, and since there will be tons left over, our families will be enjoying some also (unless it turns out yucko) Here's the before: I'll post an after picture tomorrow along with a review. :-D

Well, we got the house sitting/dog sitting job! So we'll be staying there Nov. 3-7. Hopefully they'll have a computer for me to use!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Umm, really?

I have been trying to come up with ways to make a little extra cash to pay off some of this college (and other) debt that we've accumulated. So I came up with this brilliant idea to post an add on Craig's List looking for babysitting/house sitting/pet sitting jobs.

Only a few days after posting, I got a call! A couple who live on Hutchinson Island (!!!) would like me to house sit/dog sit for 5 days in November. I was so excited. She asked me to come over this evening to meet them and the dogs. (This is pretty common, like an interview.) Everything was going really well, then they told me they would like to do background checks on Jay and I first... Umm, really???? I didn't know what to say. I have been babysitting/ house sitting/pet sitting for almost 10 years and this is the first time anyone has ever asked for copies of my husband and I's drivers licenses!!!! Now, I know this is probably very smart of them in this day and age, but I was just really caught off gaurd. What is this world coming to?!?!

Anyway, on the up side, they have a really nice house on the intercostal that I will enjoy staying in and 2 really cute dogs to play with... as long as they don't find out that I was convicted of murder a few years ago. KIDDING!!!

Hope your having a good week!

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Keys

We are home from the Keys. We had a very nice and relaxing weekend. The weather was perfect, low 80's with a breeze, and the wedding was beautiful!! We drank a little too much, but I don't do that very often, so I don't feel too guilty. We are sad to be back. :(

Thanks again, Jenn, for sending another book and candy. You are awesome!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So, I made a deal with Jaysen that once I graduated (cause I would then be out of excuses of why I had no time to workout) I would start going to the gym. So the Monday after graduation I went and signed up at his gym, which happens to be in the same shopping plaza where I work, so it's very convenient. Anyway, so I've been going to the gym now since the second week of August. I started out very "gung-ho" and slowly began to get bored and dread getting up 2 hours early to go work out, especially because I was seeing no results. But Jaysen has been good at keeping me motivated and I've continued to go 4-5 days a week. I've finally started to see the fruits of my labor!!! I have lost 6 pounds so far, but the most exciting part for me is the 2 inches lost in my belly!!! I couldn't be more stoked. So hopefully the inches will keep droping and I will eventually be skinny!

I know this an odd thing to share on a blog, but I am so excited I wanted to tell everyone. I'm weird, I know! :)

Anyway, we are packing and preparing to leave for the Keys in the morning. It feels very good to have a four day weekend ahead of me. Especially with this gorgeous weather we've had this week!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Special thanks to Jenn P. for the package today! I can not wait to start reading the Meg Cabot books. Thanks so much for sending them. I am putting a stack of books together for you also.

So far this week has been very routine. No exciting news. :)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

One of the best feelings!!

Do you know what one of the best feelings is? A clean house! And even better? A clean, decorated house! Yes, that is how I spent most of my Saturday. I cleaned my whole (very small) apartment and then got all of my Fall/Halloween decorations put out. I've never been one to celebrate Halloween, but I will admit that I have a few "friendly" ghost deorations. So now I feel so good. And I've got some candles burning to make it smell good. Jaysen will be so happy when he gets home!! :)

I also took a few hours and went to watch Bailey cheer at a game. She is so cute out there. They are preparing for competition (Can you believe they actually compete at that age?!?!) and she will be a "flyer", the one who gets thrown around during stunts. She loves it and the attention! Sadly I will miss her competition next Saturday because Jay and I will be in THE KEYS!!!! Woo hoo! I am so excited. Our friends Magen and Ryan will be getting married!

Well now I am off to go babysit for the evening. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


We would like to wish Isabella a happy 4th birthday and Dad (Johnson) a happy 60th birthday today!!! Hope you guys have a great day!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I've finally joined the world of blogging!

Well, thanks to Jenna Petefish, I have decided to start a blog. My life is pretty boring, so I probably won't have anything to exciting to say, but I'll give it a shot. I love reading about what's going on in Jenna's new like in Colorado, so hopefully you all will enjoy reading about mine!

With that said, I'll give you a run down of my life's current status. I FINALLY graduated from FAU August 5th with a double Bachelors in Management and Marketing. I am still at Publix Pharmacy (7 1/2 years!!!!) and they've finally made me full time. So I will stay there until I can find a better job. I've been searching and sending my resume' out, but have had no luck thus far.

Jay and I are both just working trying to pay down debt (mine.. college) and then start saving for a house. He is still at Publix also (5 yrs!), and is currently an Asst. Meat Manager. Yes, that's what it's called. Not a butcher as people think he should be called.

I guess that pretty much sums up our lives at the moment. Dull, huh?

Thanks for reading,