Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 More Days!!!

Jenn will be here on Friday!!!! I am so excited for some quality girl time and some shopping and relaxation! Woo hoo :D

Nothing new to talk about. Hope everyone's Christmas shopping is almost done, mine is! Thank goodness, 'cause I was running out of money. lol

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So Sick

I feel horrible! I have had this lingering cold for about 2 weeks now and in the last two days it seems to be getting worse. I finally started some antibiotics yesterday (so much for the flu shot I got) and I hope I start feeling better soon. I feel like I am in a fog and it's very hard to focus at work. So please pray for me to get better quickly and that Jay does not get sick. He cannot miss work (really, neither can I, that's why I am up and not in bed where I should be). I have less than two weeks to get back to normal before Jenn arrives!!!